Bonnington Youth Green Team

What we're are up to

We first met on July 3 in the park and had a planning session to prepare for the summer events and activities.
We quickly realized that we needed a meeting right away with a Trustee involved with the water system.
On July 5th, we met with Dave Tacon, again in the park, and he answered a lot of questions about the history of the system, the current treatment, and decisions surrounding water restrictions in the summer. 
The next day we met with the entire team and relayed our information and ideas so far in the project.


Below is what we have covered

The Issues we defined are:
  • Flooding and drought, and how this can affect restrictions
  • Consumption, how much, how much is available and why, how to reduce
  • Monitoring, does it happen, has it happened, knowledge leads to good decisions
  • Treatment, how does it happen, what's in the water
  • Activities in the watershed, tree harvesting affects water flow and timing of flows

 Why does it matter?

  • People want safe and reliable water all of the time.
  • People need water as a fire safety tool
  • How much is used for watering lawns compared with the rest of the consumption
What should we do about it?
  • We decided we need to educate ourselves
We will do this by:
  • Taking a tour of the treatment plant and water intake areas with a Trustee of the Improvement district (Date to be confirmed)
  • Hiking in the creek and watershed and taking videos
  • Making a visit to Selkirk College to view their computer imagery of the watershed (Date to be confirmed)
  • Assess the available information on the flow of the creek and consumption by the community
How will we communicate this to the community?
  • Create video footage of the creek to include in an all encompassing video, and as      a record for the community
  • Create a brochure/flyer to deliver to the community, with the purpose of informing the residents where their water comes from, why they should care about the watershed, and what they can do about it
More updates soon to come about the treatment tour and visit to Selkirk College

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